Monday, March 31, 2014

Human Body Required Assignment

The Human Body Required Assignment

Work IN Process


My Response to "switcheroo": First off, I view Cindy Sherman as an exceptionally interesting artist, and the fact that she's a ballsy female just makes it even better. During the 2013 fall semester at Flagler College I was enrolled in the course 2D Materials and Concepts with my fantastic professor, Sylvia Herrick. For my final project I came up with the idea of Saint Augustine in the year of 2090 taken over by aliens.... and I most certainly was the alien queen of Saint Augustine ; ) I painted a map of the new martian city, and I also shot a video of myself dressed up as the martian queen.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Soap Carving Project

 Step 1: Cut Ram in half with huge knife and subtract Ram's head

Step 2: Microwave 3 soap pieces then subtract 4 small melted pieces

Step 3: Microwave the remaining pieces of soap along with adding butter and adding ink.

Step 4: Add Coconut Oil to scultpture

 Step 5: Add Pepper, Chives, and Sea Salt and mix together
Step 6: Subtract a handful.

Step 7: Add wood glue to give it an extra stickiness 

 Step 8: Spray paint glass and add a shell on the outside, then add some of the soap mixture

 Step 9: Add additional blue ink, and bacon bits and microwave.
Step 10: Mix it all together

 Step 11: Add some of the soap mixture to glass contain and add wood glue on top
 Step 12: Lightly spray paint white soap shavings and add a handful to glass container.

 Step 13: Combine the mixture then subtract a handful
 Step 14: Spray paint recycled glass bottle, and hot glue shells and remaining dark blue soap mixture
 Step 15: Finished :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Suspended Short Story Project

Progress Sketches: A few of my utopian characters I sketched for the story "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas"

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why We Need Objects

1. The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale.
This reminds me of when people create the armatures and buildings for stop motion films. Tim Burton created the stop motion film Frankenweenie, and he explained that when building the armatures you have to base your scale the main characters. You can't make Frankenweenie larger than the dog house.
2. Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience.
When I went to eight different countries in Europe, I wanted a souvenir that I thought truly represented that country. When I came back to the states I used all the souvenirs to show my friends and family a little piece of my journey.
3. The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three dimensional into the miniature which can be enveloped by the body.
I feel like miniature has became super important because people constantly want to hold, wear, or be hands on with an object. Jewelry is a great example of something that can be enveloped by the body.
4. Nostalgia can not be sustained with out loss.
I think this is so true. During middle school and high school I would keep a memory box and anything I thought was significant enough I would put in the box. Whenever I go home over break I always look through it and reminisce, however that wouldn't be possible if I would have just stayed in high school forever. No thank you.
5. To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen and a trophy.
Possessing an exotic souvenir is most definitely like a trophy in a way of saying, "I have something one of a kind and you can't get it! So ha! Victory!" An exotic souvenir may also be considered a trophy through measurement of your success.
6. The place of origin must remain unavailable in order for desire to be generated.
Who wants to buy something special that's available to everyone at anytime? No one. The more rare and harder something is to get, the more desirable an object is.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Elements and Principles - 3D Paper Sculpture

Texture- This was my favorite piece I did, and also the one I spent the most time on. I constructed feathers out of paper, glue, and scissors. I created two seperate textures on both sides of the head. One side I used a lot of tiny crumbled paper balls, and on the other side I rolled and glued the paper. For me, it represented small stones and logs. I also used clear masking tape for the purpose for hanging or carrying.

Symmetry- This was the first piece I started and I think I am happy with the result. I wanted this sculpture to have balance and symmetry so I began forming a dolls head with the exact same details on both sides. I added a body with weird legs or antennas just so my sculpture wasn't too representational, plus it gave my sculpture more depth and height.

Focal Point- This sculpture is the more simple out of the three, however I like how it turned out looking very modern and clean. This piece could have been used for the principles focal point, repition, or space. I repeated the same open triangle element several times and then constructed something close to a pyramid. After the pyramid was built I used the masking tape and repeated the same open triangle but would gradually make the triangles smaller so they could fit inside my pyramid. The masking tape color created my focal point and I am happy with how it turned out.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things

Coffee - I'm one of those coffee addict drinkers who drinks about three to four cups of coffee throughout the entire day. Even while I'm getting ready for bed I'll still be chugging my last o' so sweet cup of coffee. Coffee is by far one of my favorite things, and my favorite way to make it is with Delight Cinnabon creamer and no sugar. The combination taste like warm milky cinnamon roll coffee. Yum!

Camera - I honestly believe the camera is one of the most amazing inventions out there today. I love all of the different possibilities it can capture and bring to life. Not only can it capture any image or video in this world that you want, but with the right software you can combine, distort, duplicate, crop, past, or do just about anything to create an incredible piece of artwork.

Sketch book - What artist doesn't love their sketch book? One of my all-time favorite things to do is to go to the beach, kick back in a nice chair, and sketch whatever my imagination is filled with that day. Sketching is fun and usually my sketches will always manage to make me laugh.

Anthony - Anthony is my best friend here at Flagler and is on the top of my favorites list. He is almost an exact replica of myself, but just in dude form. He became my favorite once I realized we both love doing the exact same things; art, design, creating, inventing, music, movies, basketball, working out, and eating delicious food. We ultimately have a blast together and have been hanging out every day since.

Basketball - Basketball is such a ferocious sport. It contains diving, blocking, running, shooting, juking, striping, passing, defending, posting, and a lot of falling. I've been playing on a team with my best friends since the 6th grade. After practically living on the basketball court in high school , it finally paid off for me and my teammates after we took our tiny school in Oklahoma all the way to the state tournament. Although sadly I didn't win a championship ring, I still experienced some of the best memories with my coaches and teammates.

Vector Art - I would have to say vectoring would be my newest discovery on my favorites list. Last year, when I learned how to turn my drawings into bright colored digital art, I just fell in love. I started practicing with illustrator tools, watching youtube tutorials, and I even bought several books. I still vector every chance I get the free time.

Gold Eye Shadow/ Mascara - "The eyes are the nipples of the face," according to Anna Faris from the movie "The House Bunny." I always thought this quote was pretty funny, but I do have to agree with Anna, the eyes are the most important when applying makeup. I love the creativity and freedom you can explore when you start to put on eye makeup. There's so many different options, from neutral, to gradient, to smokey, bright, glitter, or even cat eyes when you apply liner. My everyday favorite is using a light gold eye shadow right in the corners of my eyes.